Apple Tomato

₹ 30.00 ₹ 57.00


  • "The reason this variety is called 'Apple tomato' is because of its meaty texture and sweet citrusy taste." - This part is clear and accurate.

  • "Make some healthy pasta sauce with our apple tomato for your family dinner to make it healthy and hearty!" - This sentence is fine, but it might sound better if it were split into two sentences for clarity. For example: "Make some healthy pasta sauce with our apple tomatoes. It'll make your family dinner healthy and hearty!"

  • "Nutritional Values: Protein, Potassium, Dietary fibres, Vitamin K" - While tomatoes do contain some protein, it's typically in small amounts compared to other nutrients. You might want to mention that it's a good source of Vitamin C as well.

  • "Shelf Life: At room temperature - 3 to 5 days; Refrigeration - 1 week" - This part seems a bit short for the refrigeration shelf life. Tomatoes can typically last longer when refrigerated, so you might want to extend the refrigeration shelf life to around 1-2 weeks for better accuracy.